I am twice as old as some of my students. It is difficult for them to imagine being as old as me, just as it is difficult for me to truly imagine a 64 year old Shannon - she seems so old. Yet, I also see my mother, heading into her own 6th decade of life, and she doesn't seem old to me. I know she loathes saying she's in her 60's, but really, if you met her, you'd know, she's not old.
How does one measure old anyway? The rest of the world - those around me - tend to remind me that I do not, in fact, refrain from aging. Sometimes it is in the profound: someone I used to babysit having a baby herself. Sometimes it in the silliness: the new "heartthrob" who is 22 looks like he's 12.
There are times I forget I'm 32. I forget that I have now been out of school (negating college) longer than I was in it. I forget that the 90's were more than a decade ago. I forget that my metabolism has indeed changed - well, I forget as I'm eating the ice cream, not so much when I pull on my jeans.

Still, that Neverland thing would be pretty fun too.
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