Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I love Writing Prompts!

Once again I turn to the internet for prompts; I chose this one:
Winter is a great time for warm soup and hot chocolate. Describe the ingredients that you would put into your own soup recipe.

I love soup. I love the comfort. I love the magical properties certain soups have, the ones that heal the body and the soul. I am not, however, going to give you a recipe for food. Instead, I give you this:

Ingredients for my winter “soup” would include the familiar with a dash of the new. Cozy and cute scenes of scarves, boots, and other superficial goodness would set the base. I would then add rustic  chunks of old movies and classic books – something British and set in fog. That should simmer for a while. Once the flavors meld, add hot tea or coco (season to taste). 

Also, it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a good soup is in want of a good side dish. So, I would pair freshly baked adventure with this warming, wintery concoction. It doesn’t have to be too fancy – a new band or coffee shop, checking out a new artist or new city – it just has to be fresh.

Share this meal with good company to fully bring out the flavors.

And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is my winter stew.
What is your winter recipe?
(Photo: Three Kitcheneers)

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