Thursday, October 9, 2014

Awesomeness, Pure Awesomeness

Created by the talented Rachel Fieldhouse at
So I've had the very strong desire to start a creative writing class for a while (years, actually); however, due to various administrative reasons this has not come to pass. I've also toyed with starting a writing club at school, so at least kids interested could have a place to congregate, write, and share.

As a disclaimer, I should confess that I am often full of good intentions that don't always manifest.

Enter my friend and colleague, Micah. She lit the fire (and graciously will share in the responsibility), and, lo and behold, Corona High School now has a write club!

Today was our first meeting, and we had kids show up! They intentionally stayed after school to share in the love that is creative writing! We had a fun little prompt. They wrote. We shared. It was amazing. I left work today on such a high, high note.

After today's meeting, I am so looking forward to a year with these incredibly talented and fun writers.

Excuse me while I squee.

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