Sunday, February 22, 2015

Too old for new?

When is too old? Does each dream have its own, unique expiration date? I’m 35 (just about) – though that still seems so arbitrary – and want something in the way of a life adventure, something to take me out of my comfort zone. I have daydreamed about living in a different city in a different country for a while, and for a long time, that was enough. It was enough to simply dream of the possibility. 

Then, when what I thought was an opportunity to try it out came into focus, the day dream was more of a plan. As with many dreams, reality forced me to take a step back. Turns out in my enthusiasm, I somehow missed the fact that I was a year too late for this particular (and particularly perfect) opportunity.

I’m not gonna lie – there was no shortage of disappointment or tears. There was also no shortage of over-analyzing. I had attached so much to this potential opportunity, that when it failed, I had to acknowledge how much of that daydream was, in reality, an actual dream. A real, honest-to-goodness desire of my little heart.

When I realized this little venture wasn’t going to happen, it forced me to acknowledge how much I wanted a change to my comfortable life because I don’t want to live based only on routine. After all, I don’t have a lot of the traditional things that keep one tethered – I don’t own property; I don’t have a spouse or children; I don’t even have a pet. In many ways, I’m quite free. In others, I’m quite not. I have a job that is secure and a family structure that is local and supportive.

These are not things everyone can claim, and I don’t want to be ungrateful for them. However, I also don’t want to wake up when I’m 50 and wish I’d taken a leap of faith for a chance at something slightly more than average.  

After Googling countless ways to make this happen, it seems as though a lot of the “just go and do it” type of pages were geared toward college students or recent grads – neither of which comes close to describing me. There seems to be an unspoken “you should have your life figured out after your mid-20’s” vibe there. I looked but couldn’t find the “hey, you’re mid-30’s and want something new” how-to page. Has the dream of picking up and going for broke to chase a maybe expired?

The quick answer is no. But is longer, thought out answer different? Today, I honestly don’t know. I guess I’ll let you know when I do.

1 comment:

  1. Try to learn/know about something new , there is no age limit for learning something fresh . The learning process may keep rejuvenating you.
