Friday, October 15, 2010

An Open Letter

To Those Who Create:

Thank you.

For your bravery and generosity to share a piece of yourself, thank you. For your words, songs, images, thank you. For your inspiration, thank you.

There are so many distractions and stresses in this world, it so nice to be reminded of its immense beauty. Sometimes the beauty is from the ashes, but there is beauty just the same. Other times it is a matter of capturing a moment of pure bliss that reminds us of the capacity for joy in life.

It is a brilliance to see this yourself, and (as corny as it may sound) it is a gift when you let the world in on your view of things. Whether that perspective is melodic or seen through a viewfinder, it is unique. It is art and, more profoundly, a window to the artist.

So much is told about a photographer by the focus of her photos, her portfolio. What an insight song lyrics can give to a your history and philosophy. How telling it is that you can write about stories and observations that add laughter to the lives of your friends (and subscribers). I am blessed to have so many selflessly creative friends who put it all out there. You expose so much of yourself in the quest to share your creations and that is down right noble.

It is not an easy thing to put your work out there, so, once again I thank you.

One Who Has Been Inspired

PS. I know the 'thank you' is a little vague, but follow the links to see, read, listen to the details.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVED the photography link. Such a talented friend!
