Thursday, October 28, 2010

Staying Positive

Blessings are those things that make life worth while, yet they are also those things that we can overlook or  easily forget, especially those small blessings that fill the spaces between “major” life events. I know that I am guilty of focusing on the task at hand or the latest thing to go wrong (which is even worse) instead of keeping my mind on the good things that happen. I have an FB friend who continually posts “Stay Positive” and even went so far as to explain that it wasn’t just a flippant saying but truly a way of life.

This is my dad and me staying positve.
When I am faced with seeing things positively or negatively, I generally feel that things will work out and that, in the end, the good outweighs the bad. I must confess, however, that this school year, I have found that I am loosing sight of the big picture and am allowing myself to indulge in wading in the negative side of things. A puddle of pessimism if you will, which, left unchecked, will grow. Here I am, checking myself. And not in that downward spiral being negative on myself for not being more positive kind of way, but in the truly staying positive with real life evidence to back it up kind of way.

This idea of literally counting my blessings has been rolling in my head for a bit now and his reminder of lifestyle over tagline boosted me to create a list of blessings. The idea being akin to daily bread, you know, as in “give us this day…” and focusing on the small, could-possibly-fall-through-the-cracks kind of tidbits that I am privy to on a daily basis. Although it is true that there will be days that I am bowled over by Heavenly favor (which really, shouldn’t I be everyday when I actually consider all that God has given me), the main focus of this “track” sheet will be to remind myself of the good things, even on the days that feel like they are plotting against me.

So, I've decided to have this open for viewing. I strive to be Pathologically Optimistic; the daily posts will be similar to the “high/low” game, you know, without the low. I hope you enjoy and feel inspired to do something similar. I would also love if you shared your highlight of the day with me.

1 comment:

  1. I was just having this same thought yesterday! I was mentally creating a "I hate" list and had to stop myself an think about what I love (like besties...).
