Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting back on track

Write about a “plate of sunshine”:

I once had a plate of sunshine, but I ate it.

Okay, so that was short. So…what to write, what to write? My brain is rusty, my fingers fumbly, my soul anxious for words, for expression that I want to unfold. But why? What is this thing in me that needs to write, to make electronic expression of my thoughts, emotions? Is it odd or ironic that I find it impossible to put that desire into words? Ha! I am speechless over my need to speak. Hmph. Either way, I found myself searching through prompts and came across the above and, well, you see how far I got.

A few images come to mind in the “plate of sunshine” vein: sunshine snacks on a plate, pancakes with cut strawberries outlining it sugary perimeter, sugar cookies with yellow sprinkles, or even just a plate full of food that was made with cheery disposition. I even had a weird image of me on a plate due to a nickname I had a lifetime ago. But, like I said, my mind is a bit rusty, so the images stopped there – no story or even funny little anecdote.

I think, no, I know I forget that writing is not just a talent, it is a discipline. I have some incredibly talented friends, some who write enrapturing novels and others who write beautiful songs, and I allow myself to be lazy in writing because it seems as if it comes so naturally to them. This is not to say that they don’t work, I know they do. Nevertheless, there does seem to be this mystique around their creations that I seem to fall so short of in my own writing. And so, instead of practicing, I shrug my shoulders and say “you either got it or you don’t” and let myself off the hook.

However, I do believe it is time that I am honest with myself: I could be a lot better if I were more disciplined. If I treated writing like any other skill, I could grow it and strengthen it. I must also admit however, that there is a bit of fear there as well: what if I’m wrong. As long as I don’t push myself, I can use that as an excuse. The silly (and sometimes pathetic) notion that if I don’t try, there’s no way I can fail. It’s science after all, and you can’t fight science, right?  No more.  Today is the day it ends and I get crackin'.

To all those that encourage this little literary release of mine, thank you. I will now do my part and be more diligent in honing my skill…and this time, I mean it.


  1. Totally know how you feel about being intimidated or overwhelmed by other people's abilities that seem to come so naturally to them. I feel that way about design. I often find myself so saturated with "inspirational material" that it makes me uninspired! Like, I can't create those things, so I feel sad.

    And I don't think you'll be wrong about your amazing writing talent. I love what you write here and if this is your out-of-shape writing, I can only imagine how much better it will be when you are more in practice.

  2. Umm, I actually really, really like the "...but I ate it" line. :)

  3. You can do it.
    You never know if you don't try :)
