Sunday, February 27, 2011

A bit Ironic

I wrote the following last night as just a purging of thought, and as it turns out, it is ironically poetic. Well, at least as I was rewriting it to digital form, I could feel a rhythm, so I simply broke up the prose structure.

When did I stop writing poetry?

I used to write poetry.
Some of it laughable,
But I wrote it just the same.

I thought in poetry;
I felt in it.
I found solace and passion and expression in it.

I was in love in my poetry.
I swam in heartbreak there too.
I was angst-y.
I was inspired.

I laughed and felt joy;
I cried and felt sorrow--
All in my poetry.
There was a time I lived in my poetry.

Anyway, there it is. The last sentiment doesn’t seem to have the same pattern, but it went along the lines of losing my poetry and not knowing how to get it back. Well, I can let you be the judge of whether or not the above is truly poetic, but I did enjoy writing in stanza for at least a moment.

Until next time, my friends.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The 25 things game...

This is nothing new, although I have avoided it for a few rounds now because, when put on the spot, my brain has a nasty habit of revolting. Darn brain. I suppose that could be a part of the "25 things you don't know about me," right? Oh yeah, that's what this post is, by the way. 

Anyway, as I was getting ready this morning, I was feeling reflective (or incredibly narcissistic - it could go either way), and the list began to formulate.  Later, as I was grading satires at the Corner Bakery, I needed a bit of a break so the list was put to paper.  And really, anyone who has graded high school satire can relate.

Well, this is what I came up with:

1. I wear leaf earrings when I am in an "artsy" mood. (Yes, putting my earring in this morning prompted this).
2. My self-confidence is constantly in flux (and in progress).
3. I want you, yes you, to like me.
4. I am still a little scared of the dark. Stupid, creepy dark.
5. I refuse to own a cat for fear that it is one step closer to becoming THAT woman. *shudder*
6. I get distracted by shiny things and puppies. Mostly puppies.
7. I am a rock star. In my car.
8. My friends inspire me.
9. My family grounds me.
10. It took time, but I like having curves.
11. I am usually oblivious to any interest a guy is showing me. (I do not do well with subtly).
12. I really try to be a good friend - sometimes I fail. If I have failed you, I am truly sorry.
13. I adore a good nap.
14. I love fortune cookies. I have been known to carry a fortune in my wallet at times.
15. I am more forgiving of others than I am of myself.
16. I am dangerously sentimental.
17. I love being girly.
18. I equally love being a tomboy.
19. I really, really want to see a taping of Top Gear (being that it's in London doesn't hurt).
20. I should be grading right now.
21. If I suddenly became wealthy, I'd still teach - I'd just travel more.
22. At 30, I am still waiting to feel like a "grown-up."
23. At 30, I still love Lipsmakers lip gloss (Dr. Pepper and Strawberry). This may contribute to #22.
24. I have been known to frolic. This is in addition to the happy dance that shows up around meal time and small successes (even when playing a game, okay, especially when playing a game).
25. I found this to be quite therapeutic as well as incredibly self-indulgent. I recommend you try it too.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's not Gold, but it's a Post (aka Good Intentions)

Somewhere between the Sixth Street on-ramp to the 91 and the Harbor off-ramp exiting the 405, I have mentally prepared all the amazing, productive, awe-inspiring projects, grading, planning, cleaning, laundry – you name it- that will be accomplished. My intentions for any given night are good. I have been tempted to even label them as great. It may seem as though I’m over-esteeming them, but if only you could see the game plan to change the world, you would see it is a solid assessment.

Somewhere between my carport and my front door, however, the list is dwindled down to: get on couch, surf internet, waste life, sleep…What happened to those noble intentions? How does a walk up the stairs and the turn of a key suddenly drain any imagined energy I had? Energy to grade stays in my bag with the essays; writing and painting ideas seem to turn off with the ignition.

The last few days, okay weeks, my lack of follow through has been as grand as my intentions, and my frustration with my own lack of discipline/energy is not far behind. I give myself credit for a few very productive grading sessions, but really it was only a teeny fraction of what I had wanted to accomplish.

This isn’t a post seeking advice; I know what to do, theoretically at the very least, I am simply stagnating in the purgatory of knowing what to do and actually doing it. So, why the post? Because I needed to cross something off my to do list that was more than simply doing the dishes.

P.S. Don’t worry, the dishes, they are done.