Monday, February 14, 2011

The 25 things game...

This is nothing new, although I have avoided it for a few rounds now because, when put on the spot, my brain has a nasty habit of revolting. Darn brain. I suppose that could be a part of the "25 things you don't know about me," right? Oh yeah, that's what this post is, by the way. 

Anyway, as I was getting ready this morning, I was feeling reflective (or incredibly narcissistic - it could go either way), and the list began to formulate.  Later, as I was grading satires at the Corner Bakery, I needed a bit of a break so the list was put to paper.  And really, anyone who has graded high school satire can relate.

Well, this is what I came up with:

1. I wear leaf earrings when I am in an "artsy" mood. (Yes, putting my earring in this morning prompted this).
2. My self-confidence is constantly in flux (and in progress).
3. I want you, yes you, to like me.
4. I am still a little scared of the dark. Stupid, creepy dark.
5. I refuse to own a cat for fear that it is one step closer to becoming THAT woman. *shudder*
6. I get distracted by shiny things and puppies. Mostly puppies.
7. I am a rock star. In my car.
8. My friends inspire me.
9. My family grounds me.
10. It took time, but I like having curves.
11. I am usually oblivious to any interest a guy is showing me. (I do not do well with subtly).
12. I really try to be a good friend - sometimes I fail. If I have failed you, I am truly sorry.
13. I adore a good nap.
14. I love fortune cookies. I have been known to carry a fortune in my wallet at times.
15. I am more forgiving of others than I am of myself.
16. I am dangerously sentimental.
17. I love being girly.
18. I equally love being a tomboy.
19. I really, really want to see a taping of Top Gear (being that it's in London doesn't hurt).
20. I should be grading right now.
21. If I suddenly became wealthy, I'd still teach - I'd just travel more.
22. At 30, I am still waiting to feel like a "grown-up."
23. At 30, I still love Lipsmakers lip gloss (Dr. Pepper and Strawberry). This may contribute to #22.
24. I have been known to frolic. This is in addition to the happy dance that shows up around meal time and small successes (even when playing a game, okay, especially when playing a game).
25. I found this to be quite therapeutic as well as incredibly self-indulgent. I recommend you try it too.

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