Friday, April 8, 2011

Play on...(My Guitar Painting)

Well, I have written about my painting, but I've never actually put one on this little blog of mine....until now (I'm sure you didn't see that one coming). 

Probably a couple of months ago now, I painted a little something for a friend. This friend is a musician, so I began by listening to his songs again and jotting down notes, you know, to somehow incorporate images from his songs into the painting. Turns out this was not useful because though there were a couple lyrical images, trying to put that onto canvas would not have come together right.

Thankfully, after listening to all that music, I was inspired beyond the literal words of the songs. But I still wanted to revolve around music, so I decided to try my hand at a little mixed media. I do not have a picture of the blank canvas because, well, who does that?  But this is the first step I took:
I stamped a bunch of tissue paper and mod podged them all to the canvas.

I forgot to take a picture of just the background color. I used three different shades and tried to blend them out before I began the guitar on top. (This was taken in my apartment at night, please forgive the color a bit).
I really got my hands dirty with this one. You know, I really liked it.
Anyway, here is the finished product, after all the fine tuning (no pun intended) and a clear varnish.

This picture was taken outside, in the shade, so the colors are a little more true to life.
Well, there it is "Play On" from start to finish...hope you like it. As for me, this was one of the more satisfying projects I've done. (I was a little sad to see it go, actually).

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