Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One more to litter the blogoshphere

Ruth Brown sirens as I finish my Boudin bread bowl all the while convincing myself that I will, in fact, work out today. So begins my blogging experience...

While at Barnes and Noble today, I picked up The Writer's Idea Book by Jack Heffron; this thing is filled with so many prompts that I am at a loss for an excuse not to write. The book is to get me motivated. The blog, however, is because I am still a child and respond with force to a "I'll do it if you do" type of proposition. I suppose it's a bit of my competitive-I-can-do-anything-you-can-do attitude lovingly developed by two older brothers.

You see I have this friend who is also trying to be motivated to write and so we became writing buddies - you know the kind that sends each other things we've written for feedback and for accountablity. The problem is that we've both failed. Epically. After one exchange, neither of us have been very productive, so he came up with the idea of blogging. It was a sign, I'm sure of it. Almost. I have been toying around with the idea for a while and the friendly challenge was apparentley what I needed.

As of right now, I do not have an organized,systematic plan of attack. I have a book of prompts and am simply in need of an avenue for words, my words, such as they are.

So here they are, out in the aether, for any and all to see. It's very Julie and Julia (without the aroma of French Cuisine).

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