Saturday, September 4, 2010

Musing #5

The Danger of Daydreaming...

Why do I do this not thinking-when-it-is-vital thing that I keep reminding myself to do. I get ahead of myself so often, carried away in the possibility of a thing instead of the reality of it. This is not to say that I want to lose that quality I possess to hope for the best, but I do need to keep my hope and expectation on balanced levels.

You see, I have this ongoing script in my head of how situations and conversations need to pan out, and when they don’t, I feel a loss for something that never was. Instead of a level head, I am often left mourning what could have been (or at least what I imagined could have been). It’s ridiculous really because while I waste time lamenting a figment, I could actually be missing out on making real memories.

Is there a balance to be had between my active imagination and practicality? Suggestions are welcome.


  1. I read a book once that talked about how we live with God. Instead of "expectations" and "responsibility" we should think instead of "responsiveness" and "expectancy". Instead of approaching conversations with expectations, just expect....good things. :) I don't know if that helps, but that's the first thing that came to mind :)

  2. It does. In terms of approaching conversations, I usually have the attitude you mention. It's in the interim that daydreaming / scripting gets me :)

  3. Because you're the ONLY one who ever does this... ;) It's hard to let things go, especially when we feel like we really could've made a difference if we'd only said this or that. I find talking about it, sometimes a lot (or to Alot, hehe), helps me deal with it and move on.
