Monday, December 6, 2010

Just Be

Whilst (yeah, that’s right, whilst) driving to work on Friday, I did something I never, ever do: I turned off the radio. You heard me, off, not down, but off. I am a fiend for sound – music especially, but I’m not opposed to talk radio either. In fact, Damien Rice is serenading me as I type this, but I digress.

It started with me being tired, physically, mentally, and emotionally, so I turned down the radio and said a very exasperated “Lord, I need something.” I did not specify what that something was because I didn’t quite know. I am blessed, so very blessed, but I have been feeling as though I am missing out on something- oh that elusive something.

When I did this, I turned the radio completely off in order to focus a little more. I’m pretty sure it was right after the “Lord, I’m just… done” lament that “Be still and know that I am God” popped into my head, and I was immediately a little more settled. This lasted for a good two seconds before I realized this is not what I am good at, this being still thing.

Even when I am being sedentary, I am not still per say. Regardless of my activity or inactivity, my mind is usually racing. I’m sure I am not alone. If over analyzing were an Olympic event (albeit a really, really boring one), I would be the Michael Phelps of the event. Even as I was trying to “be still” in my car, the idea to write this down was streaming through my brain. Ironic, right? It is not that I am not content with my own company; it’s just that the hamsters that keep my brain going never seem to need to rest. Pesky little things really.

This is the hamster in my head, keeping my brain on a constant loop
Anyway, I am trying to practice being still. I figure I can give this a go during my commute. I have heard many people say that one cannot be still while driving, but I am thinking this would actually be good for me. I obviously have to focus on the road, which will take enough of my attention to allow me to just be. This is the plan. Wish me luck.

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