Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Kew Gardens

From the smallest greenhouse - the lilypad house
The Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew was absolutely breathtaking. I spent a wonderful 6 and 1/2 hours wondering around the enormous grounds.
The Rock Garden - Prettiest Rock Garden I ever did see
From incredible views atop the Treetop Walk (I posted a collage on my instagram if you are so inclined to view), to the seemingly endless park space, to the Georgian House and Kitchen, this place was so worth the price of admission. 

All that time walking around, thinking of everything and nothing all at once - simply taking in the beauty of God's creation (wonderfully manicured by the staff at Kew).

I even got my paintbrush wet, and even though it was only a few dips of color, it was a nice exercise. 

As always, I find myself planning on taking this with me when I go home - to explore the beauty close (or semi-close) to home and really take my time to explore it - to savor whatever it is that makes it beautiful.

Also, I realized that a good pair of shoes is essential.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday Service Comfort

Today I attended Hillsong London (Dominion Theatre), and it was incredibly refreshing to my spirit. Not only was the worship great - though that's not surprising since it is Hillsong - the message was inspiring and the people welcoming.

The message was about worship, real worship, and how it isn't an external exercise but an internal one; it is a posture of the heart. In everything we do, we can worship because in everything we do, we can give God the glory. When we work, shop, eat, love, we are reflecting our relationship with God (for better or worse).

Now, if I find I am being short-tempered or self-centered, I can surmise that I am probably not spending enough time in the presence and in the love of God. What better way to live than to be so filled with love that it cannot but help to pour out to those around us? What better way to live than to be secure in the knowledge that the God of the universe loves you wholly? After all, isn't that what it means to live a life more abundantly?

I love being reminded that my walk with the Lord isn't a checklist of behaviors, but rather it is getting to know Him more and more. It is understanding this closeness is the true catalyst for interal and eternal changes.

A Thought from London

I am finding it hard to journal here. I'm not sure why. Perhaps I am trying too hard to find meaning in what should be simple enjoyment.

I came here for adventure and to experience the city. I am fortunate because I am getting to do just that. But I wonder if I didn't also sneak in a "life-changing" in front of that adventure goal, and now I am looking too far into the future meaning of things to simply write about the now. Everytime I meet someone or relax at a park, somewhere in the back of my head, I am adding to a pros or cons list of living here instead of just taking it in. The idea that the experience, if written down, will need to be categorized.

Even with that said, I am thoroughly enjoying my time; I'm just not writing about it like I thought I would be.